poliCe raDio CoDes
10-1 Responding
10-2 Cancel response
10-3 Arrived on scene
Message received, understood, acknowledged
10-5 Repeat
10-6 Standby
10-10 Return/returning to station
10-30 Back-up required
10-31 Patrol unit back-up
10-32 SUV/Rhino unit back-up
10-34 Interceptor unit back-up
10-36 Tactical back-up needed
10-40 Suspicious vehicle
10-41 Speeding vehicle
10-42 Wreckless driver
10-43 Vehicle wanted
10-44 Racing vehicles
11-50 Accident
11-51 Hit & run
11-52 Auto accident
11-53 Tractor trailer accident
11-54 Spilled cargo
11-55 Traffic hazard
11-56 Tow truck required
11-57 Transport required
11-58 Accident – no detail
11-59 Major emergency
11-23 Vehicle out of service
The Mobile Data Computer (MDC) is the FPD’s guide to locations, suspect descriptions, and the
position of supporting units. Every police unit has one of these devices onboard to coordinate
pursuits and Cooldown searches.
Fairhaven’s street racers carry hacked versions of this police support equipment to help them
get around the city and to avoid the police.
Police slang for a civilian car.
From Billboards to Jack Spots, Speed Cameras to Bodyshops – there is a lot to find out there.
There are Billboards all around the city just waiting for you to find them and set your distance.
To complete a jump and register a score, you will have to smash the Billboard and land
without crashing.
Every completed jump will win you Speed Points. If one of your Most Wanted friends has set a
distance from a Billboard, then you will see their distance set against yours.
The driver with the longest jump will have their picture displayed on that Billboard.
JaCk spots
Fairhaven’s street racers have located Jack Spots around the city. Find the Jack Spots and
you can get behind the wheel of some of the finest automotive engineering ever to grace the
road. As each vehicle has its own set of five races, you will have to find and drive all these cars
before you can truly claim to have mastered the streets of Fairhaven.
Once you have found a Jack Spot, you can jump into the vehicles there through EasyDrive.
Stuck in a pursuit? Then switch vehicles at a Jack Spot without being seen to get away. This
tactic won’t work in Ambush, though. In Ambush events you will just have to use your skill and
wits to get away.
Changing Cars
You can change your car by driving to a Jack Spot, or by jumping to one via EasyDrive.
speeD CaMeras
Each Speed Camera has its own SpeedWall to show you who went through these speed traps
the fastest.
seCurity gates
Concealing escape routes and Jack Spots; Security Gates are there to be crashed through to
gain you Speed Points.
There are Bodyshops across Fairhaven, just waiting to fix or re-spray the vehicle you are
driving. Driving through a Bodyshop will change the color of your vehicle, and when it’s
damaged, will fix it up instantly. If you wreck in Freedrive, then you will restart at your
nearest Bodyshop.