• Performs Bidirectional Loss Compensation.
• Requires no additional wiring; the compensation occurs internally.
• Imposes no additional electrical burden when performing Loss Compensation.
Loss Compensation is applied to 1 second per phase Watt/VAR readings and, because of that, affects
all subsequent readings based on 1 second per phase Watt/VAR readings. This method results in loss
compensation be applied to the following quantities:
• Total Power.
• Demands, per phase and Total (Thermal, Block (Fixed) Window, Rolling (Sliding) Window and
Predictive Window).
• Maximum and Minimum Demands.
• Energy Accumulations.
• KYZ Output of Energy Accumulations.
NOTE: Loss Compensation is disabled when the meter is placed in Test Mode.
The Nexus meter provides compensation for active and reactive power quantities by performing the
numerical calculations using factors derived by clicking the TLC Calculator button on the
Transformer Loss screen of the Device Profile or by manually figuring values in section 7.2.1,
Calculating Transformer Loss Compensation Percentages (Work Sheet). Enter the derived values in
the Device Profile screen of the Nexus Communicator software (values will automatically be entered
from the TLC Calculator button).
The Nexus Communicator software allows you to enable Transformer Loss Compensation for Losses
due to Copper and Iron, individually or simultaneously. Losses can either be added to or subtracted
from measured readings.
Loss compensation values must be calculated based on the meter installation. As a result transformer
loss values must be normalized to the meter by converting the base voltage and current and taking
into account the number of elements used in the metering installation. For three element meters, the
installation must be normalized to the phase-to-neutral voltage and the phase current; in two element
meters the installation must be normalized to the phase-to-phase voltage and the phase current. This
process is described in the following sections.