Network configuration
NetMax N8000 System Controller
Owner’s manual
IP address would exist four times in the network. Because of this, the preset IP
address of three NetMax N8000s must be replaced with a unique address.
It is advantageous and strongly recommended to list all devices used in the Ethernet network and
IP addresses for changing the preset IP addresses of the N8000s. An example of such a list for
the example system shown in the above illustration is given in the following. You will find an
empty form in the appendix. Please enter the description of the device, an unambiguous
description and the IP address which has to be assigned to the device for every device used in
the network in this list. If the device is displayed in IRIS-Net, you can also use the description that
is used there.
When the example system is put into operation, the IP addresses which are given in the overview
table, should be assigned to each device. The assignment of the IP address can be made via
IRIS-Net and via the N8000 browser interface. In IRIS-Net the assignment is possible both over
the USB interface and the Ethernet interface of the N8000. Information about the exact
proceedings are given in the IRIS-Net online-help. For the assignment of the IP address over the
N8000 browser interface open the browser interface using the current (preset) IP address of the
N8000. Information about the exact proceedings are given in the N8000 browser manual.
Example of an Ethernet network with four N8000
Device IRIS-Net Device Name Location/Description IP-Adresse
N8000 main office main office
PC - main office
N8000 administration administration building
N8000 production production building
N8000 multi-purpose mult-purpose hall