The modelling lamp will only function when the lamphead is switched on (note : there is an
overheating control switch ON/OFF in the lamphead).
- Simple ON/OFF with ON setting indicated. Also incorporated is a slow start system to
prolong lamp life
- Half power lamp setting further extends lamp life
- Adjusts the lamp to vary with the flash power.
- DIM/BRIGHT CHARGE INDICATOR This setting underpowers the modelling lamps during
charging. At full charge they <<indicate>> by coming to full brightness.
- Used together, the modelling lamp extinguishes during charge.
This will display a channel number 0 - 8. keept this button pressed and when you have reached your
chosen number release. This sets the unit to the channel number displayed.
You can either select a different number for every head. If you wish to control two or more heads
identically then give them the same channel number, they will then respond to the same signal.
To activate the Infra Red System press the IRS Control
To use the IR-remote :
first select a numbered channel on the handset.
This will activate the unit(s) allocated to that channel. No other units will respond. To measure the
f-stop, this unit can be flashed alone OR, to take an overall reading, ALL units will respond if «O»
is pressed on the handset.
If any other number is selected on the IR-handset, the IRS indicator will blink to advise
that the generator is not accepting the commands.
IR Remote control
code : 19319
Allocate the unit a channel number. First press the channel selector