Fibre Channel FC4700 Array to IP4700 File Server Conversion Guide
Loading IP4700 Software
11. At the FS > prompt, type dsktodsk 0,1 and then press <Enter>.
This copies the image from the seed disk (0) to disk 1 in
approximately ten seconds.
12. At the FS > prompt, type dsktodsk 0,2 and then press <Enter>.
This copies the image from the seed disk (0) to disk 2 in
approximately ten seconds.
13. Remove the seed disk from DPE slot 0, and replace it with the
drive you removed in step 4.
14. Wait for the disk LEDs to stop flashing and remain on solid,
indicating that the disk is up and ready.
15. At the FS > prompt, type finit and then press <Enter>.
16. At the FS > prompt, type dsktodsk 2,0 and then press <Enter>.
This copies the image from disk 2 to disk 0 in approximately ten
FS > dsktodsk 0,1
Installing image from disk 0 to disk 1.......
FS > dsktodsk 0,2 ↵
Installing image from disk 0 to disk 2.......
FS > finit ↵
Starting loop initialization
Loop is initialized.