2-Gigabit Disk-Array Enclosure (DAE2) Hardware Reference
Installing a DAE2
Figure 2-2 Plugging in the ac Line Cord
Highly available, write-caching configurations require that you
connect the first disk enclosure (EA 0, loop 0) to a Standby Power
Supply (SPS) for enclosure power. If you do connect a DAE2 to an
SPS (if, for example, the DAE2 is the first disk enclosure in a
CX600 configuration), be sure that you maintain power/loop
integrity; always connect power/cooling module A to SPS A, and
module B to SPS B.
Figure 2-3 shows the power cord connections for a typical
CX600-Series configuration.
Do not configure an ATA model DAE2 as EA 0, loop 0. ATA enclosures do not
support the boot and SPS requirements of the first disk array in a storage
An integrated disk-and-processor enclosure, such as a CX400- or
CX200-Series DPE2, is always the first disk enclosure on the first loop (0,0).
You should not connect the first DAE2 in a DPE2 configuration to an SPS.