
LPe11002 Hardware Installation Manual Page 6
Applying Power
To apply power:
1. Verify that the HBA is securely installed in the computer.
2. Verify that the correct media is attached.
3. Plug in and turn on the computer.
4. Observe LEDs for Power On Self Test (POST) results.
Viewing the LEDs
Green and yellow LEDs can be seen through openings in the HBA's mounting bracket.Green indicates
firmware operation and yellow signifies port activity. Each port has a corresponding set of green and
yellow LEDs.
Figure 4: LEDs
POST Conditions and Results
POST conditions and results are summarized in the following table:
Note: For the Link Rate conditions, there is a 1 Hz pause when the LED is off between each
group of fast blinks (1, 2 or 3). You should observe the LED sequence for several
seconds to ensure that the pause is correctly identified.
Table 4: POST Conditions and Results
Yellow LED Green LED State
Off Off Wake-up failure (Dead board)
On Off POST failure (Dead board)
Slow Blink Off Wake-up failure monitor
Fast Blink Off POST failure
Flashing Off POST processing in progress
Off On Failure while functioning
On On Failure while functioning
1 Fast Blink On 1Gb Link rate -Normal, link up
2 Fast Blinks On 2Gb Link rate -Normal, link up
3 Fast Blinks On 4Gb Link rate -Normal, link up
Off Slow Blink Normal -link down or not started