
4 EMC Smarts Application Connectivity Monitor Configuration Guide
Application Signatures
Conceptually, applications have characteristics or attributes that uniquely
differentiate one application from another; together, these characteristics
constitute a signature for a given application. Using the mechanism of
Application signatures, we can then further qualify an application to
reference particular instances of that application. Application Connectivity
Monitor uses signatures to discover and classify software applications in the
managed infrastructure. Application Connectivity Monitor includes many
predefined signatures.
Application signatures are selected, configured, and enabled through the
Application Signature Configuration Interface. Their configuration includes
the name of the signature, port number, expected request and response,
application class, and an application prefix. System matching criteria can
be specified to limit discovery.
Once predefined signatures are configured and enabled, they are
automatically registered with Application Connectivity Monitor. At the same
time, the signatures are combined with a standard probe, which is set to
“Autodetect,” that automatically discovers the specified applications. The
discovery of the applications is initiated during the next discovery period, or
when a new system is added to the Application Connectivity Monitor
Monitoring Actions
Monitoring actions are scripts or programs that are associated with
application signatures. The actions monitor the availability of applications.
Application Connectivity Monitor includes a Standard tcpAction monitoring
action that, unless otherwise specified, is used by all application signatures.
It automatically monitors application availability by attempting to establish
TCP sessions with each managed application. Too, there is an option, with
the request/response strings, to provide greater application availability
See Specifying Monitoring Action Parameters on page 24 for additional