Reference Manual
00809-0100-4444, Rev AC
Section 6: Advanced Diagnostics Configuration
January 2015
Advanced Diagnostics Configuration
Empty pipe (EP) trigger level
Limits: 3 to 2000
Empty pipe trigger level is the threshold limit that the empty pipe value must exceed before the
empty pipe diagnostic alert activates. The default setting from the factory is 100.
Empty pipe (EP) counts
Limits: 2 to 50
Empty pipe counts is the number of consecutive updates that the transmitter must receive where
the empty pipe value exceeds the empty pipe trigger level before the empty pipe diagnostic
alert activates. The default setting from the factory is 5.
6.3.2 Optimizing tunable empty pipe
The tunable empty pipe diagnostic is set at the factory to properly diagnose most applications. If
this diagnostic activates, the following procedure can be followed to optimize the empty pipe
diagnostic for the application.
1. Record the empty pipe value with a full pipe condition.
Example: Full reading = 0.2
2. Record the empty pipe value with an empty pipe condition.
Example: Empty reading = 80.0
3. Set the empty pipe trigger level to a value between the full and empty readings. For
increased sensitivity to empty pipe conditions, set the trigger level to a value closer to
the full pipe value.
Example: Set the trigger level to 25.0
4. Set the empty pipe counts to a value corresponding to the desired sensitivity level for the
diagnostic. For applications with entrained air or potential air slugs, less sensitivity may
be desired.
Example: Set the counts to 10
LOI menu path
Diagnostics, Basic Diagnostics, Empty Pipe, EP Trig Level
Traditional fast keys
Device dashboard
LOI menu path
Diagnostics, Basic Diagnostics, Empty Pipe, EP Counts
Traditional fast keys
Device dashboard