Reference Manual
00809-0100-4808, Rev CA
June 2008
Rosemount 3051N
Section 1 Introduction
USING THIS MANUAL The sections in this manual provide information on installing, operating, and
maintaining devices from the Rosemount 3051N Smart Pressure Transmitter
Family. The sections are organized as follows:
Section 2: Transmitter Functions
Provides instruction on commissioning and operating Rosemount 3051N
Pressure Transmitters. Information on software functions, configuration
parameters, and on-line variables is also included.
Section 3: Installation
Contains mechanical and electrical installation instructions.
Section 4: Troubleshooting
Provides troubleshooting techniques for the most common Rosemount 3051N
transmitter operating problems.
Section 5: Specifications and Reference Data
Supplies reference and specification data for the Rosemount 3051N Smart
Pressure Transmitter Family.
Section 6: Options
Describes the mounting and configuration options available for Rosemount
3051N transmitters.
Appendix A: HART Communicator
Gives an overview of the HART Communicator, defines its partial command
menu tree for the Rosemount 3051N family, and provides a table of typical
fast key sequences. A table of typical diagnostic messages is also included.