Reference Manual
00809-0200-4801, Rev BA
April 2007
Rosemount 3051S
Table 3-6. Block Error
The MAI Function Block supports three modes of operation as defined by the
MODE_BLK parameter:
Manual (Man)
The block output (OUT) may be set manually
Automatic (Auto)
OUT_1 to OUT_8 reflects the analog input measurement or the simulated
value when simulation is enabled.
Out of Service (OOS)
The block is not processed. PV is not updated and the OUT status is set to
Bad: Out of Service. The BLOCK_ERR parameter shows Out of Service.
In this mode, changes can be made to all configurable parameters. The
target mode of a block may be restricted to one or more of the supported
Number Name and Description
0 Other
1 Block Configuration Error: the selected channel carries a measurement that is
incompatible with the engineering units selected in XD_SCALE, the L_TYPE
parameter is not configured, or WRITE_CHECK = zero.
2 Link Configuration Error
3 Simulate Active: Simulation is enabled and the block is using a simulated value in
its execution.
4 Local Override
5 Device Fault State Set
6 Device Needs Maintenance Soon
7 Input Failure/Process Variable has Bad Status: The hardware is bad, or a bad
status is being simulated.
8 Output Failure: The output is bad based primarily upon a bad input.
9 Memory Failure
10 Lost Static Data
11 Lost NV Data
12 Readback Check Failed
13 Device Needs Maintenance Now
14 Power Up
15 Out of Service: The actual mode is out of service.