Rosemount Tank Radar REX
Chapter 1 Introduction
308014EN, Edition 4
May 2013
The basic parts of the Rosemount TankRadar REX System are:
• The Radar Tank Gauge, RTG, is an intelligent explosion pro-
tected instrument for measuring the level of a product inside a
tank. Four different Tank Connection Units can be attached in
order to satisfy a variety of different applications.
The RTG 3900 is equipped with auxiliary inputs such as tempera-
ture sensor inputs and analog inputs. The RTG 3900 also features
two relay outputs.
• The Data Acquisition Unit, DAU, is used for measuring tempera-
ture and can, as an option, be equipped with a Local Readout Dis-
play (LCD) for presentation of measured values.
• The Field Communication Unit, FCU, acts as a gateway and
data concentrator between the Group Bus and the Field Bus. Each
FCU can have a total of 32 RTGs and 32 DAUs connected to it.
• The Field Bus Modem, FBM, is a converter between RS-232C
and the TRL/2 Bus. It is used for connecting a PC with TankMas-
ter to the TRL/2 Bus.
• The TankMaster WinOpi is the operator´s interface for the REX
system. The WinOpi is used for setting up a REX system with
alarm handling, batch reports, automatic report handling, historical
data sampling and inventory calculations.
• The TankMaster WinSetup is a software for configuration, cali-
bration and service of a REX System.