Daniel 3812 Liquid Ultrasonic Flow Meter Installation Manual Section 2: Mechanical installation
3-9000-765 Rev D March 2013
Use of appropriate safety engineered swivel hoist rings in meter end flanges 39
How to obtain safety engineered swivel hoist rings
A list of approved manufacturers of safety engineered hoist rings is below:
• A
merican Drill Bushing Company(www.americandrillbushing.com)
• C
arr Lane Manufacturing Company (www.carrlane.com)
Select an approved supplier from the list below. These vendors can supply the safety-
ngineered hoist rings. This is not intended to be a complete list.
• Fa
stenal (www.fastenal.com)
• Rei
d Tools (www.reidtool.com)
The appropriate hoist rings can also be purchased di
rectly from Daniel. The following table
provides part numbers for reference:
What size safety engineered swivel hoist ring do you need?
To determine the size of the hoist rings required for your meter, use the appropriate table below
for Liquid Ultrasonic Meters (see Table 2-3). Look down the column that matches the ANSI rating
of your meter. Find the row that contains your meter size. Follow the row to the end to find the
ppropriate hoist ring part number.
Table 2-3 Hoist ring part number lookup table
Daniel part
1. Note: The part numbers include only one hoist ring. Two hoist rings are required per meter.
Hoist ring thread size &
load rating
American Drill
Bushing Co. P/N
Carr Lane Manufacturing
Co. P/N
1-504-90-091 3/8"-16UNC, 1000 lb. 23053 CL-1000-SHR-1
1-504-90-092 1/2"-13UNC, 2500 lb 23301 CL-23301-SHR-1
1-504-90-093 3/4"-10UNC, 5000 lb. 23007 CL-5000-SHR-1
1-504-90-094 1"-8UNC, 10000 lb. 23105 CL-10000-SHR-1
1-504-90-095 1-1/2"-6UNC, 24000 lb. 23202 CL-24000-SHR-1
Table 2-4 Hoist ring lookup table for Daniel Model 3812 Liquid Ultrasonic Flow Meters
ANSI 150 ANSI 300 Daniel Part Number
4”to 10” 4” to 10” 1-504-90-091