
Reference Manual
00809-1600-4530, Rev AA
Section 3: Verification and Validation of GWR without Fluid
March 2015
Verification and Validation of GWR without Fluid
c. End of probe peak (see Figure 3-3)
The end of probe peak is affected by the probe type and the use of centering
discs. A metal centering disk will give a positive peak slightly offset from the
probe end. No centering disc or a non-metallic centering disc will result in a
negative probe end peak.
Figure 3-3. End of Probe Peaks
The use of weights will results in a positive peak at the top of the weight and a
negative peak at the bottom. The distance between the positive and negative
peak varies with the length of the weight.
4. (Optional) If using a verification reflector, note location of reflector pulse
(see Figure 3-4) please see “Verification reflector” on page 32 for more detail. Perform
verification test and note mA output.