Initial Start-Up Procedure
Before beginning start-up, make certain that unit was installed according to the instructions in the
Installation Manual. All exterior panels must be in place.
Locate the Start-Up form supplied with your unit documents. Complete the form during your start-up
and mail it to Liebert when start-up is completed. Contact your Liebert supplier if you have any ques-
tions or problems during your unit installation, start-up, or operation.
1. Disconnect all power to the environmental control unit.
2. Tighten all electrical wiring connections on electric panel and at all major components such as
compressors, reheats, humidifiers and motors which may have loosened during shipping.
3. Remove all line voltage fuses except the main fan fuses at the far right of the electric panel and
the Control Voltage fuses at the far left of the electric panel. For units supplied with circuit
breakers, open them instead of removing fuses.
4. Turn on power and check line voltage on main unit disconnect switch. Line voltage must be
within 10% of nameplate voltage.
5. Turn ON main unit disconnect switch and check secondary voltage at transformer T1. Voltage at
T1 must be 24 VAC ±2.5 VAC (check at TB1-1 and TB1-8). T1 voltage must not exceed 28 VAC.
Change primary tap if necessary.
6. Push ON button. Blower will start and ON lamp will light (lighted switch on Standard Controls
7. If you do not want your unit to operate at factory default settings, set temperature and humidity
setpoints and sensitivity, alarms, and other control functions. Refer to 3.0 - Advanced
Microprocessor Controls Setup or to Advanced Microprocessor with Graphics Control
Setup on page 18.
8. Turn OFF main unit disconnect and main breaker. Unit ON button should be OFF.
9. Replace all fuses you removed during step three (or reset circuit breakers).
10. Restore power to unit; turn ON the main unit disconnect switch.
11. Check the current draw on all line voltage components and match with serial tag.
12. Push ON button, putting the unit into operation.
13. Check for unusual noises and vibration.
14. Check all refrigerant and water lines for leaks.
15. Test all functions of your unit for proper operation.
Return completed startup form to:
Liebert Corporation
1050 Dearborn Drive
P.O. Box 29186
Columbus, OH 43229
2.0.1 Additional Considerations for Upflow Units
These units are manufactured with factory supplied adjustable motor sheaves. Due to variations in
applications, a fixed motor pulley may be desired and can be substituted for the adjustable sheave
after obtaining and confirming the desired air flow. This will reduce vibration and wear on the belts
and pulleys. Consult Liebert Applications Engineering for more information.
Potentially lethal voltages exist within this equipment during operation. Observe all cautions
and warnings on the unit and in this manual. Failure to do so could result in serious injury or
death. Only qualified service and maintenance personnel should work with this equipment.