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Reference manual Foundation Fieldbus Control module
DOC.RM.QC34.E Rev: A
October, 2006
4 Detailed Configuration
The FieldQ QC34 Module contains the following
function blocks:
Block Index
Resource 1000
Transducer 1100
Discrete Input (DI) 1200
Discrete Input (DI) 1300
Discrete Output (DO) 1400
Analog Input (AI) 1500
PID 1600
See chapter 3, table 3.3, which channel should be
assigned to which function block.
This section contains more detailed information for
configuring the Resource and Transducer Block
parameters to setup the module. Access to each
parameter depends upon the host system software.
For information on using the host system to modify
block parameters, see the appropriate appendix and
host system documentation.
- For reading or writing identification parameters
open the resource block.
- For reading or writing configuration parameters
and alerts open the transducer block.
4.1 Resource block
The Resource Block describes the characteristics of
the fieldbus device such as device name and type,
manufacturer, serial number, amount of free memory,
and free time. There is only one Resource Block in
the module.
The parameters for configuring the Resource Block
are referenced by group within the following sections.
4.1.1 General Resource Block parameters accord-
4.1.2 FieldQ
specific parameters for Instrument
4.1.3 FieldQ
specific parameters which have no
influence on the function of the device.
- For complete details of the parameters listed, see
table 4.1.
- Refer to the applicable host documentation for
procedures to access the referenced parameters.
4.1.1 General Resource Block parameters
according F
The resource block parameters with index number 1
to 41, are setup according to FOUNDATION FieldBus
- For their default setting and adjustable range, see
table 4.1.
- For use of the RESTART parameter see chapter 5.
4.1.2 FieldQ™ specific parameters for
Instrument Description
The following parameters are setup specific for the
with FOUNDATION FieldBus
Distributor [DISTRIBUTOR],
Index 42
Private Label Distributor. Identifies the company that
is responsible for the distribution of this Field Device
to customers
Software Revisions [SOFTWARE_REVISION]:
Index 47
States the software revisions of the controller card
and the FF interface card
Hardware Revision [HARDWARE_REV],
Index 48
Hardware revision of that hardware in which the
Resource Block resides.
Electronics serial number [ELECTRONICS_SN]:
Index 49
Not used on QC34 Module.
Factory serial number [FACTORY_SN]:
Index 50
Serial number of the QC34 Module.
Field serial number [FIELD_SN]:
Index 51
Serial number for the QC34 Module.which can be set
by the customer.