Instruction Manual
Emerson Process Management GmbH & Co. OHG
5 User Interface
5-3 Software
5-3 Software
5-3-1 Power-On Sequence
After Power-On a sequence of start-up messa-
ges is displayed. During this time all keys are
disabled. The sequence takes a few seconds
(a counter shows the remaining time) and the
measuring screen shows up.
5-3-2 Measuring Screen
The measuring screen shows up
• automatically after the start-up sequence
has finished
• when pressing the HOME key
• when a programmable time has elapsed
without user interaction (without pressing
a key).
The information shown on the upper three lines
is (within limits) user configurable: They may
be independently configured to show
• the measured gas component, the measu-
ring value and the unit for channel 1
• the measured gas component, the measu-
ring value and the unit for channel 2
• secondary measurementsr, e.g. pressure,
flow, temperature
• nothing (left blank)
By default the upper line shows the channel 1
For dual channel instruments the second line
gives the data for the second measuring
The 4
line is used for cleartext status infor-
mation like failures, calibration events etc.
Messages are stored in an internal message
buffer and then put onto the message line. If
there is more than one message in the buffer
the content of the message line will change
every 1-2 seconds. Any failure, maintenance,
function check or out-of-spec message
appearing in this line activates the related front
panel LED and the NAMUR relay, too.
CO2.1 135.1 ppm
O2.2 201952 ppm
Temp-1 58.8 °C