MVME3100 Single Board Computer Installation and Use (6806800M28C)
Outbound Image 2 Translation Offset Upper Register = 00000000
Outbound Image 2 Translation Offset Lower Register = 40000000
Outbound Image 2 2eSST Broadcast Select Register = 00000000
Outbound window 2 (OTAT2) is enabled, 2eSST timing at SST320, transfer mode of SCT,
A24/D32 Supervisory access. The window accepts transfers on the PCI-X Local Bus from
0xB0000000-0xB0FF0000 and translates them onto the VMEbus using an offset of
0x40000000, thus an access to 0xB0000000 on the PCI-X Local Bus becomes an access to
0xF0000000 on the VMEbus.
z MVME3100> vmeCfg –s –o3
Displaying the selected Default VME Setting
- interpreted as follows:
Outbound Image 3 Attribute Register = 80001061
Outbound Image 3 Starting Address Upper Register = 00000000
Outbound Image 3 Starting Address Lower Register = B3FF0000
Outbound Image 3 Ending Address Upper Register = 00000000
Outbound Image 3 Ending Address Lower Register = B3FF0000
Outbound Image 3 Translation Offset Upper Register = 00000000
Outbound Image 3 Translation Offset Lower Register = 4C000000
Outbound Image 3 2eSST Broadcast Select Register = 00000000
Outbound window 3 (OTAT3) is enabled, 2eSST timing at SST320, transfer mode of SCT,
A16/D32 Supervisory access. The window accepts transfers on the PCI-X Local Bus from
0xB3FF0000-0xB3FF0000 and translates them onto the VMEbus using an offset of
0x4C000000, thus an access to 0xB3FF0000 on the PCI-X Local Bus becomes an access to
0xFFFF0000 on the VMEbus.
z MVME3100> vmeCfg –s –o7
Displaying the selected Default VME Setting
- interpreted as follows:
Outbound Image 7 Attribute Register = 80001065
Outbound Image 7 Starting Address Upper Register = 00000000
Outbound Image 7 Starting Address Lower Register = B1000000
Outbound Image 7 Ending Address Upper Register = 00000000
Outbound Image 7 Ending Address Lower Register = B1FF0000