About This Guide
The MVME6100 Single-Board Computer Programmer’s Reference Guide
provides general programming information, including memory maps,
interrupts, and register data for the MVME6100 family of boards. This
document should be used by anyone who wants general, as well as
technical information about the MVME6100 products.
As of the printing date of this manual, the MVME6100 supports the
models listed below.
Model Number Description
MVME6100-0161 1.267 GHz MPC7457 processor, 512MB DDR
memory, 128MB Flash, Scanbe handles
MVME6100-0163 1.267 GHz MPC7457 processor, 512MB DDR
memory, 128MB Flash, IEEE handles
MVME6100-0171 1.267 GHz MPC7457 processor, 1GB DDR
memory, 128MB Flash, Scanbe handles
MVME6100-0173 1.267 GHz MPC7457 processor, 1GB DDR
memory, 128MB Flash, IEEE handles