Figure 7. Concrete Pad Housekeeping Detail
Leveling and Grouting
The unit should be level in all directions. Wet the concrete pad according to the grout manufacturer’s directions. Mix
a suffi cient amount of grout. The grout must be an expanding grout rather than shrinking to provide a tighter bond.
Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for setting, precautions, mixing, and grout placement, fi nishing and
curing. The grout must be worked under all areas of the feet with no bubbles or voids. If the grout is settled with a
slight outside slope, oil and water can run off of the base. Once the grout has cured, torque the anchor bolts as per
HILTI instructions.
Piping Connections
Piping Stress
Once the screw compressor package has been installed, properly grouted and anchored, it is imperative that the
piping bolted to the screw compressor not impose excessive forces on the compressor. Suction and discharge lines
should be supported so the lines will not move if disconnected from the compressor.
Additional Information
Codes and Standards
Vilter followed the following codes and standards when designing your foundation:
• ASCE 7
• IBC 2006