
Piping Connections and Piping Access Points
Refer to site specific drawings for general locations of the piping connections. For Liebert XDCF con-
nection locations, refer also to Figure 12.
5.1 European Union Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas Requirements
Stationary air conditioning, refrigeration, heat pump equipments and stationary fire protection sys-
tems in the European Community market and operating with fluorinated greenhouse gases (f-gas),
such as R407C, R134a, R410A, must comply with the F-Gas Regulation: (EC) No. 842/2006 (F-gas).
The regulation prohibits, among other actions, venting fluorinated greenhouse gases to the atmo-
The F-Gas Regulation requires operators to use use all measures that are technically feasible and do
not entail disproportionate cost to prevent leakage of these gases, to test for leakage regularly and to
recover f-gas before disposing of equipment, as well as during service and maintenance.
Refer to the full regulation for additional details.
5.2 Connection Methods and Points
The assembly and connection means used for piping in the Liebert XD system are the same as those
used in conventional refrigeration systems. Observe all standard practices during installation and
startup to prevent damage and contamination.
Supply piping connection is 1/2" OD copper pipe, and return piping connection is 5/8" OD copper. Both
supply and return fittings are one-shot connections. These fittings contain pressurized R-134a refrig-
erant inside the Liebert XDCF.
The Liebert XDCF has supply and return piping access on the top of each module.
5.2.1 Header System
The Liebert XDCF module system requires use of the Liebert XD prefabricated piping assembly. The
prefabricated piping is compatible with the Liebert XD Flex Pipe required to attach to the Liebert
XDCF modules.
Figure 12 Liebert XDCF supply and return piping access points
For additional information, refer to the Liebert Xtreme Density System Design Manual, SL-16655.
Risk of sudden refrigerant discharge! Can cause loss of charge and minor injury!
Do not disconnect one-shot connections after they have been connected. Disconnection will
release pressurized R-134a refrigerant from the Liebert XDCF.
Supply Pipe
(1/2" diameter)
Return Pipe
(5/8" diameter)
Pipe locations and
dimensions are the same
for upper and lower units