The HBAnyware Utility User Manual Page 111
Syntax: hbacmd BindingCapabilities <WWPN>
Description: Shows the binding capabilities present for the HBA. If a binding is configured, it means the
binding is maintained across reboots.
WWPN - World Wide Port Name of the HBA whose binding capabilities you wish to view
Syntax: hbacmd BindingSupport <WWPN> <Source>
Description: Shows the binding support available for the HBA.
WWPN - World Wide Port Name of the HBA whose binding support you wish to view
Source - C = Configuration support, L = Live support
Syntax: hbacmd SetBindingSupport <WWPN> <BindFlag>
Description: Enables and sets the binding support(s) for the HBA.
WWPN - World Wide Port Name of the HBA whose binding support you wish to set and enable
BindFlag - *D = Binding by D_ID, P = Binding by WWPN, * N = Binding by WWNN, *A = Binding by
Automap, DA = Binding by D_ID and Automap, PA = Binding by WWPN and Automap, NA = Binding by
WWNN and Automap
* not available for Storport Miniport
Syntax: hbacmd DriverConfig <WWPN> <FileName> <Flag>
Description: Sets all driver parameters for the HBA to the driver parameter values contained in the
specified .dpv file type. The .dpv file’s driver type must match the driver type of the host platform HBA.
WWPN - World Wide Port Name of the HBA whose driver parameters you wish to set
FileName - Name of the .dpv file (the file is stored in the Emulex Repository directory)
Flag - G = Make change global (all HBAs on this host), N = Make change non-global (adapter-specific)
Syntax: hbacmd GetDriverParams <WWPN>
Description: Shows the name and values of each driver parameter for the HBA.
WWPN - World Wide Port Name of the HBA whose driver parameters you wish to view