
3. Reset keyboard for Winbond 977 series Super I/O
0Ch Reserved
0Dh Reserved
0Eh Test F000h segment shadow to see whether it is R/W-
able or not. If test fails, keep beeping the speaker.
0Fh Reserved
10h Auto detect flash type to load appropriate flash R/W
codes into the run time area in F000 for ESCD & DMI
11h Reserved
12h Use walking 1s algorithm to check out interface in
CMOS circuitry. Also set real-time clock power status,
and then check for override.
13h Reserved
14h Program chipset default values into chipset. Chipset
default values are MODBINable by OEM customers.
15h Reserved
16h Initial Early_Init_Onboard_Generator switch.
17h Reserved
18h Detect CPU information including brand, SMI type
(Cyrix or Intel) and CPU level (586 or 686).
19h Reserved
1Ah Reserved
1Bh Initial interrupts vector table. If no special specified, all
H/W interrupts are directed to PURIOUS_INT_HDLR
& S/W interrupts to SPURIOUS_soft_HDLR.
1Ch Reserved
1Dh Initial EARLY_PM_INIT switch.
1Eh Reserved
1Fh Load keyboard matrix (notebook platform)
20h Reserved
21h HPM initialization (notebook platform)
22h Reserved
23h 1. Check validity of RTC value: e.g. a value of 5Ah is an
invalid value for RTC minute.
2. Load CMOS settings into BIOS stack. If CMOS