Epson Orator-S
The draft mode uses fewer dots per character for high-speed
printing, which makes it ideal for rough drafts and editing work.
The other fonts are Letter Quality (LQ) fonts. Letter Quality takes a
little longer to print, but produces nicely formed characters suitable
for most documentation requirements.
Condensed Mode
You can use the condensed mode to change the size of printed
characters. In the condensed mode, characters are approximately 60
percent of the width of normal characters. Hence, condensed
printing is very useful for spreadsheets and other applications where
you need to print the maximum amount of information on a page.
You can combine the condensed mode with 10 cpi, 12 cpi, and
proportional printing, but not 15 cpi.
To select the condensed mode, simply press the CONDENSED button
so that the orange indicator light comes on. To turn off the
condensed mode, press the button again.
The following printout compares normal 10 and 12 cpi with
condensed 10 and 12 cpi. The condensed 10 cpi is 17 cpi, and the
condensed 12 cpi is 20 cpi.
This is 10 CPI printing.
This is condensed 10 CPI printing,
This is 12 CPI printing.
This it condensed 12 CPI printing,
Using the Printer