Using a Hard Disk Drive
Using a hard disk is similar to using a diskette. However, the
hard disk provides several advantages:
A 40MB hard disk can store as much data as
approximately thirty-three 1.2MB diskettes, and a 100MB
hard disk can store as much data as approximately
eighty-two 1.2MB diskettes.
Your computer can perform all disk-related operations
You can store frequently used programs and data files on
the hard disk, eliminating the inconvenience of swapping
diskettes to access different files.
The added storage capacity makes it easy to move back and
forth between different programs and data files. However,
because it is so easy to add programs and files to your hard
disk, you may find yourself trying to organize hundreds of
MS-DOS lets you keep related files together in directories and
subdirectories so they are easy to find and use. See your
MS-DOS manuals for instructions on managing your files and
A hard disk must be partitioned and formatted before you
can use it. Be sure you have performed the procedures in
your MS-DOS manuals to prepare your hard disk for use.
the hard disk
While the hard disk is very reliable, it is essential to back up
your hard disk files to diskettes in case you lose some data
accidentally. Make copies of all your system and application
program diskettes before copying the programs to the hard
disk. After you create data files on the hard disk, be sure to
copy them to diskettes whenever you revise them to keep
your backup diskettes up-to-date.
Using Your Computer