The Utility diskettes that came with your system contain device
drivers for various application programs that require them. The
diskettes also provide the following special utilities:
The VGAMODE utility provides
132-column text in text-based programs
such as WordStar@ and WordPerfect?
The SETVGA utility sets the built-in
VGA adapter to emulate the operation of
a variety of graphics adapters.
The MODETEST utility tests all of the
video modes available on your monitor
and displays the results on the screen.
The WS33INST utility patches (modifies)
the WordStar, version 3.3, program file so
you can use 132-column text mode.
The SNOOZE utility automatically turns
off your VGA display when you have not
used your computer for a specified period
of time.
See Appendix A for more information about the VGA device
drivers and the utilities,
Enhancing System Operations