
Multi-frequency monitor
A monitor that allows variable horizontal and vertical sync
frequencies. This type of monitor supports a large range of video
display modes and is required to support the 800
600 super
graphics mode.
Network server
The master computer in a network which provides storage space
for the other computers connected to it. The network server can
write files to and read files from the other computers in the
Network server mode
An optional password mode that provides extra security for a
computer that is operating as a network server.
Noninterlaced mode
A technique used by the built-in VGA display adapter that
refreshes all the lines on the monitor screen sequentially from
top to bottom.
Numeric keypad
The number keys grouped to the right of the keyboard.
Operating speed
The speed at which the central processing unit can execute
commands. The Equity 386SX/20 PLUS can run at 20 MHz or
simulate an 8 MHz operating speed.
Operating system
A collection of programs (such as MS-DOS, MS OS/2, or
Unix) that manages a computer’s operations. The operating
system determines how programs run on the computer and
supervises all input and output.
Glossary 13