
Using Memory Beyond
640 KB
The Equity 386SX
comes with 1MB of random access memory.
MS-DOS and your application programs that run under
MS-DOS use the first 640KB of memory. You can use the
memory between 640KB and 1MB as extended or expanded
memory. If your computer has more than 1MB of random access
memory on SIMMS you can also use this additional memory as
extended or expanded memory.
Expanded memory can be used by certain application programs
(such as Lotus® l-2-3®) that support the Lotus/Intel/Microsoft
Expanded Memory Specification (LIM EMS).
To use expanded memory, you must modify the file
CONFIG.SYS, which is stored in the root directory of the hard
disk or diskette from which you load MS-DOS. If you have a
word processing program that can save a file as a text-only file
(also called an ASCII text file), you can use that program to
modify the CONFIG.SYS file. Start your word processing
program, load the file CONFIG.SYS, and then add the
following line to the file:
You can add one or more of the optional switches explained in
the next section to this command line. Then save the file as an
ASCII text file and reset the computer.
If you do not have a word processing program capable of saving
an ASCII text file, you can modify CONFIG.SYS using the
MS-DOS COPY or EDLIN command. To modify
CONFIG.SYS using the COPY command, follow these steps:
Log onto the root directory of the hard disk or diskette from
which you boot MS-DOS.
2. Type COPY CONFIG.SYS + CON : and press Enter.
Using MS-DOS with Your Equity 386SX