Rev. C
A5 size TRBLE.FM
4/6/01 Pass 0
Proof Sign-off:
K. Pipa _______
M. Fujimori _______
R. Thomson _______
Avoid opening or working with applications
unrelated to the photo transfer process while the
camera and computer are communicating.
While the camera and computer are communicating via
the serial cable, star icons move continuously across
the camera's display panel.
When your camera and computer are connected via
USB cable to a USB hub, the camera does not work
Connect the USB cable to another port on the USB
Connect the camera directly to the USB port on
your computer using the USB cable.
Use a different USB hub if you have one.
Uninstalling EPSON Photo!3
Follow the directions in this section to uninstall
EPSON Photo!3.
For Windows users
Before you reinstall or upgrade EPSON Photo!3, first
remove the currently installed program.
Uninstallation procedures differ slightly, depending
on the type of connecting cable used.
When connected via the USB cable
Follow the steps below to uninstall EPSON Photo!3
when connected via the USB cable.
1. Connect the camera and computer using the USB
cable, then turn the camera on and turn the dial
switch to (for PhotoPC 3000Z), or turn the
camera’s dial switch to (for PhotoPC 850Z and