62 Using WirelessHD
Viewing WirelessHD Content
Follow these steps to view WirelessHD content:
1. Turn on the power switch on the side of the transmitter.
2. Turn on your source device and begin playback.
3. Turn on the projector.
4. Press the
WirelessHD button on the remote control.
Note: If the WirelessHD connection fails, press the Setup button on the bottom of the
transmitter, then try again.
The WiHD light on the transmitter should light up and your projector should now display
WirelessHD content. If it doesn’t, see “Solving WirelessHD Problems (PowerLite Home
Cinema 3020e Only)” on page 84.
Switching WirelessHD Sources
If you have connected multiple input devices or an output device, follow these steps to switch
1. Press the
Input button on the remote control or the WirelessHD Transmitter.
Remote control WirelessHD Transmitter