EPSON Stylus Pro 7600/9600 Revision A
Product Description Operating Panel 41
The actual platen gap may be set to any of the following Page Lines
Selecting this mode allows the user to set the page line print mode. Setup is the same as
horizontal lines ON command (AC 02H 00H 00H 02H) in the automatic cutting setup.
The solid line type is used. Interface Select
Selecting this mode allows selection of the parallel, USB, or optional interface, or
automatic interface selection. Code Page Switching
Selecting this mode allows switching between PC437 and PC850 for the code page. Roll Paper Margin
Setting this panel allows switching roll paper margin, all sides 3 mm / all sides 15 mm
/ top and bottom 15 mm, right and left 3 mm. This setting is only valid for roll paper. It’
s not valid for sheets. This setting change only margin, and doesn’ t change image size.
If margin = 3 mm is set
Printing positions of vertical line and horizontal line are same as the theoretical
paper size.
If margin = 15 mm, or Top/Bottom15 mm is set
Printing positions of vertical line and horizontal line are widened by 12 mm for all
sides or only top and bottom. (See Figure 1-8)
If printable area is more than X = 15 mm from the right edge of paper, the portion is
Vertical line is not printed. (See Figure 1-9)
NOTE 1: The top margin is also set with “Set the top margin” (SN command).
Actual top margin is decided as follows:
• Panel setup value (top margin)>Paper top margin
(Panel setup value is used as the top margin)
• Panel setup value (top margin)<Paper top margin
(Paper top margin is used as the top margin)
Under special conditions, the right / left margin can be set to 0.
Table 1-30.
Position Gap width Application
Wide 2.6 mm Thick paper
Medium 2.2 mm Reduce the smearing on the printed image
of thin paper.
Narrow 1.2 mm Thin paper (Default)
Minimum 0.7 mm Thin film (Film, glossy media)