>>Decimals Ch A/B
This lets you set the maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal that are
displayed or printed for load or torque, peak, and valley. When large cells are selected
the number of decimal digits shown may be limited, for example a 100 Lb cell will allow
3 digits, while a 1000 Lb cell will only allow 2 digits. Also if a number is too large to fit
on the display some decimal digits may be dropped (the display will “auto-range”). The
number of digits shown for position data depends only on the number of counts per
inch of the encoder and is not affected by this setting.
>>Count By Ch A/B
This allows you to choose the smallest unit of counting for the display of load or torque,
peak, and valley. Counting by 1, 2, 5, 10, and 20 are the options.
Note that the operation of the analog outputs and the limits is not effected by the
settings of “decimal point” or “smallest count”. Thus if you set a limit to be activated at
10.001 Lbs, and have “smallest count” set for 20, the limit is activated at 10.001 Lbs
even though the display is only showing 10.000.
>>Second Line
This option allows you to choose what you want to have displayed on the second line.
You can select limits, select a display, select text, or leave the line blank. Changing the
type of cell attached to the unit from load to torque or back will reset the display such
that both the top and bottom line will revert to the new cell type and its initial display -
Load for a load cell, and Torq for a torque cell - for the channel on which the cell type
was changed.
>>Filter Window
This option allows you to enable and set, or disable, a window to be used to turn the
filters on or off. If there is a sudden change in the measurement that exceeds this set
window, the filter is turned off and immediately turned back on so that this change of
data will be visible to the user rather than filtered out. To turn the window on, press
enter under the Filter Window option and toggle between on and off using the > and <
buttons. Once the window is turned on, pressing enter and will display the current
window's value and units (0 and Lbs. or LbI, respectively). Press enter again and you
will be asked to set the units (toggle buttons take you through the list). Press enter
once more and you reach the screen to set the value of the window. Once the value is
set, press enter and you will return to the Filter Window option.
To change the window, simply repeat the steps above. Instead of 0 and Lbs. in the
current window display, you will see the most recently entered values. Turning the
window off resets the window value to 0 and Lbs (or LbI for torque).
Note that changing a cell type on a channel will automatically disable the filter window
for that channel, reset the units to Lb or LbI, and set the window value to 0. The
window must then be reset and re-enabled by the user.
MODEL 9840 PG 23 PUB. 2856-16