Security menu
Only available when the supplied or optional Wireless LAN unit is installed.
Submenu Function
Select the security type from the items that are displayed.
When setting up Security, follow the instructions from the
administrator of the network system you are about to access.
WEP Encryption
You can set the encryption for WEP encryption.
128Bit: Uses 128 (104) bit encoding.
64Bit: Uses 64 (40) bit encoding.
You can set the input method for the WEP encryption key.
ASCII: Input text.
HEX: Input in HEX (hexadecimal).
Key ID
Selects the WEP encryption ID key.
Submenu Function
Encryption Key
1/Encryption Key
2/Encryption Key
3/Encryption Key
You can enter the key used for WEP encryption. Enter the key in
single-byte characters following instructions from the network
administrator for the network in which the projector
participates. The type and number of characters that can be
entered differ depending on the WEP Encryption and Format
128Bit - ASCII: Single-byte alphanumeric, 13 characters.
64Bit - ASCII: Single-byte alphanumeric, 5 characters.
128Bit - HEX: 0 to 9 and A to F, 26 characters
64Bit - HEX: 0 to 9 and A to F, 10 characters
Set the WEP authentication type.
Open: Uses open system authentication.
Shared: Uses shared key authentication.
(This can only be set when WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK are
selected from Security.)
You can enter a Pre-Shared Key (encrypted key) in single-byte
alphanumeric characters. Enter at least 8 and up to 32 characters.
Type of security
When the supplied or optional wireless LAN unit is installed and being
used in Advanced connection mode, it is strongly recommended that you
set security. Select one of the following security methods.
Data is encrypted with a code key (WEP key). This mechanism prevents
communication unless the encrypted keys for the access point and the
projector match.
List of Functions