Using Easy Interactive Function for the First Time
Connect the projector and computer with the computer cable
and USB cable.
Turn on the computer.
Install Easy Interactive Driver.
Check the following points before starting installation.
• Install the software as a user with administrator authority.
• Close all running applications and then start the installation.
For Windows
(1) Insert the "EPSON Projector Software for Easy Interactive Function
Ver.x.xx" CD-ROM into your computer.
The setup program starts automatically.
(2) Select the language you want to use on the language selection screen, and
click Next >.
(3) Follow the on-screen instructions to install.
(4) Select Register to Startup and Launch Easy Interactive Driver Ver.x.xx.
(5) Click Finish to close the installer and automatically start Easy Interactive
For Mac OS
(1) Insert the "EPSON Projector Software for Easy Interactive Function
Ver.x.xx" CD-ROM into your computer.
(2) Double-click EIDriverV100_Setup in the EPSON window.
(3) Select Start up. and Launch Easy Interactive Driver Ver.x.xx.
*These two settings are not displayed in Mac OS 10.3.
(4) Follow the on-screen instructions to install.
(5) When Finished is displayed, the installer closes and Easy Interactive Driver
starts automatically.
• When the setup program does not start automatically (Windows
Select Start - Run to open the Run dialog box, type the letter for
your CD-ROM drive followed by :\EIDriverVxxx_Setup.exe, and
then click OK.
• When Easy Interactive Driver does not start automatically
For Windows
Select Start - Programs (or All Programs) - EPSON Projector -
Easy Interactive Driver Ver.x.xx.
For Mac OS
Double-click the Applications folder of the hard disk volume on
which Easy Interactive Driver is installed, and then double-click the
Easy Interactive Driver icon.
• When uninstalling Easy Interactive Driver
For Windows
Select Start - Settings - Control Panel - Add-Remove Programs or
Add or Remove Programs and then remove Easy Interactive
For Mac OS
Run EIDriverVxxx_Uninstaller in the the hard disk volume on
which Easy Interactive Driver is installed.
Easy Interactive Function (EB-460i/450Wi only)