188 Using the Control Panel
The paper loaded in the specified paper source (XXXXX) does not
match the required paper size (YYYY). Replace the loaded paper
with the correct size paper and press the N Start/Stop button to
resume printing. Or press the + Cancel Job button to cancel the
print job.
If you press the N Start/Stop button without replacing the paper,
the printer will print on the loaded paper even though it does not
match the required size.
Print Overrun
The required time to process the print data exceeded the print
engine speed because the current page is too complex. Press the
N Start/Stop button to resume printing. Or press the + Cancel
Job button to cancel the print job. If this message appears again,
select On as the Page Protect setting in the control panel’s Setup
If you continue to receive this message when printing a particular
page, try simplifying the page by limiting the number of graphics
or reducing the number and size of fonts.
You can also add more memory to the printer as described in
"Memory Module" on page 202.
RAM Check
The printer is checking the RAM.
The printer is ready to receive data and print.
Replace Toner
The toner has run out.