Chapter 3
Using MS-DOS With Your Computer
Your computer comes with version 3.3 of MS-DOS. This
operating system manages your computer by organizing the
computer’s memory, controlling the monitor display, receiving
keyboard input, and accessing data.
To communicate with the operating system, you use MS-DOS
commands. How much you need to know
depends on how you plan to use your computer. If you plan to
use it just to run application programs, the few MS-DOS
commands you’ll need are introduced in this chapter. If you
plan to use
create your own programs, see
your MS-DOS Reference Manual for a complete description of
This chapter covers the following topics:
Starting and exiting MS-DOS
Using drive designators
Types of MS-DOS commands
Entering an MS-DOS command
Creating and managing files
Using directories
Formatting diskettes
Backing up data
Using special Epson utilities
Using an AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
Using MS-DOS With Your Computer