A/V Mute button, 33, 78
A/V Mute setting, 80
About menu, 70, 81
Accessories, 8, 104
Adapters, Macintosh, 8, 111 to 112
Adobe Acrobat Reader, 3 to 4
Advance setting, 49 to 50, 63 to 64
Advanced menu, 70, 80 to 81
Air filter, cleaning and replacing, 85
Anti-theft device, 8, 11
Aspect ratio, 121
ATA flash cards, 41
adjusting tone, 74 to 75
adjusting volume, 32, 74 to 75
cables, 6
connecting desktop, 110, 113
connecting laptop, 14
connecting video device, 16 to 18
menu, 70, 74 to 75
outputting to external sound system,
106 to 107
problems, troubleshooting, 99
turning off (using A/V Mute), 33
Audio Out jack, 107
Auto button, 73
Auto Setup setting, 74
Autorun setting, 52 to 53
AV cable, 15 to 18
Background color setting, 47, 63 to 64
Bar tool
customizing, 76
using, 37
Bass, adjusting, 74 to 75
Batteries, installing, 30
Bitmap (BMP) files, 47 to 49
Blurry image, 97
BNC cables, 7
Box tool
customizing, 76
using, 36
Brightness, 1, 121
Brightness setting, 73
Cables, 6 to 8
Camcorder, connecting to, 15 to 18
Cancel icon, 60
Capture menu, 65, 70
Carrying case, 8, 88
CD-ROMs, 4
Ceiling mount, 8, 81, 106
Cell menu, 49 to 50
air filter, 85 to 86
lens, 84
projector case, 84
adjusting, 74, 81
problems, 98
Comp button, 32, 99
CompactFlash memory cards, 41
Component video cable, 7, 8, 15
Composite video cable, 15
Computer cable, 6
Computer connector pin assignments, 126
Computers supported, 1
Connecting projector
to a computer with USB cable, 42
to a desktop Macintosh, 111 to 113
to a desktop PC, 107 to 110
to a high-end workstation, 113
to a laptop, 12 to 14
to a video source, 15 to 18
Connector pin assignments, 126
Continuous Play setting, 53, 61, 63 to 64