Available Image Aspect Ratios
You can select the following image aspect ratios, depending on the input signal from your image source.
Note: Black bands and cropped images may project in certain aspect ratios, depending on the aspect
ratio and resolution of your input signal.
EX3240/EX5240/EX5250 Pro/VS240/VS340
Aspect ratio setting Description
Auto Automatically sets the aspect ratio according to the input signal.
Normal Displays images using the full projection area and maintains the
aspect ratio of the image.
4:3 Displays images using the full projection area at 4:3 aspect ratio.
16:9 Converts the aspect ratio of the image to 16:9.
EX7240 Pro/EX9200 Pro/VS345
Aspect ratio setting Description
Auto Automatically sets the aspect ratio according to the input signal.
Normal Displays images using the full projection area and maintains the
aspect ratio of the image.
16:9 Converts the aspect ratio of the image to 16:9.
Zoom Displays images using the full width of the projection area and
maintains the aspect ratio of the image.
Full Displays images using the full width of the projection area, but does
not maintain the aspect ratio.
Native Displays images as is (aspect ratio and resolution are maintained).
Note: The Auto aspect ratio setting is available only for HDMI image sources. For HD HDMI image
sources, the aspect ratio is set by the source and cannot be changed.
Parent topic: Image Aspect Ratio