ASCII Dec. Hex. Description
ESC P 80 50 Select 10.5 point, 10 cpi
ESC M 77 4D Select 10.5 point, 12 cpi
ESC g 103 67 Select 10.5 point, 15 cpi
ESC p 1/0 112 70 Turn Proportional Mode On/Off
ESC x n 120 78 Select Letter Quality or Draft
n = 0: Draft 1: Letter Quality
ESC 4 5234Select Italic Font
ESC 5 53 35 Cancel Italic Font
ESC E 6945Select Bold Font
ESC F 7046Cancel Bold Font
ESC ! n 33 21 Master Select
To find the value of n add together
the numbers of the typestyles you
want to combine from the list below:
n = 0: 10 cpi 16: double-strike
1: 12 cpi 32: double-width
2: prop. 64: italic
4: cond. 128: underline
8: bold
A5 size Appendix
pass 2
Specifications, Command Summary, and Character Tables