
4 Glossary
RGB True Color RGB True Color
An image type that uses 24-bit color depth (16.7 million
colors) and the RGB color model to reproduce as
accurately as possible the color of the original subject.
To change the size of a selected area or an entire image.
The pixel density (number of pixels per inch) in an
image. High-resolution images have greater density and
are better in appearance.
One of the channels in the HSV color model. Saturation
is a measure of how pure a color is. At lower saturation
values, a color approaches gray; at the maximum
saturation, a color contains no gray.
A hardware device that copies photos and documents
like a photocopier, but instead of creating paper output,
it makes digital image copies of the originals.
Selected areaSelected area
The part of an image that lies within a mask. If there is
no current mask, there is no currently selected area.
The part of an image that lies within a mask. See Mask.
The darkest areas of an image.
TGATGA (Targa) (Targa)
A file format for color and grayscale images originally
developed by Truevision, Inc. for its image capture
Thumbnail Thumbnail
A small version of an image that appears in a photo
album screen.
A file format that stores color and grayscale images, and
is often used to transfer images between different
applications and different types of computers.
php.gls Page 4 Monday, July 8, 1996 3:37 PM