Chapter 5 Control Panel 93
Auto line feed
When auto line feed is set to On, the printer accompanies each
carriage return (CR) code received with a line feed (LF) code.
When auto carriage return is set to On, each line feed (LF) code
or ESC J code is accompanied by a carriage return (CR) code so
the printer moves the next printing start position to the left
margin. When this setting is set to Off, you must send a CR code
after the line feed code to move the printing start position to the
left margin.
This feature is available only in IBM PPDS emulation mode.
When the alternate graphic mode (A.G.M.) is set to On,theESC
3, ESC A, ESC J, ESC K, ESC L, ESC Y, ESC Z, and ESC * commands
This feature is available only in IBM PPDS emulation mode.
IBM character table (IBM PPDS)
Select table2 or table1 for the IBM character table.
This feature is available only in IBM PPDS emulation mode.
You can select the number of columns in one line.
Paper loading
When you set Auto load,theprinterloadspaperjustafteritis
inserted. When you set Data exists, the printer does not load the
paper until it receives the data.