96 Presenting from a Memory Card, Digital Camera, or External Drive
Building a Scenario from Different Files
You can build your scenario from any of the following file types, either
alone or in combination with other file types:
■ PowerPoint slides, version 2000 through 2003
(file names have .PPT extension)
■ JPEG files (with .JPG extension)
■ Bitmap files (with .BMP or .DIB extension)
■ Movie files (with .MPG extension); must be MPEG 2 (MPEG1 is
not supported)
Follow these steps:
1. Use the navigation tools on the left side of the EMP SlideMaker 2
screen to locate the files you want to include in your scenario.
PowerPoint, JPEG, bitmap, and movie files appear as icons in the
file window.
2. Click the icon for each file that you want to preview. The preview
appears in the thumbnail preview window. If you click a
PowerPoint icon, thumbnail images are generated for all the slides
in the PowerPoint file. If you click a movie file, an illustration of a
film strip appears.
You can also use the
instructions in this section to
add files to an existing
Click to see
Thumbnail previews for
PowerPoint slides will not
appear if PowerPoint is not
installed on your computer.