You see a screen similar to the following:
If the connection is working properly, you see your projector
listed. If you have additional EPSON projectors on the network,
they are also listed.
The color of the status icon next to each projector’s name
indicates its status:
■ Gray—The projector is not connected
■ Orange—The projector is connected to another computer
■ Green—The projector is connected to your computer
2. Select your projector and click
If more than one projector is listed, you can select up to four
projectors and connect to them at the same time.
3. If you turned the projector keyword on when setting up the
projector, enter it when prompted and click
OK. (It’s the
four-digit number displayed at the bottom of your projector
This box indicates
projector status
Select projector
You can connect to a projector
that is being used by another
person; however, doing so
automatically disconnects the
other user.
If you assign a keyword to the
projector, only people in the
same room as the projector can
connect to it, so you won’t be
disconnected during a