The PC Free screen appears.
2. Do the following as necessary to locate your files:
• If you need to display files inside a subfolder on your device, press the arrow buttons to highlight
the folder and press the Enter button.
• To move back up a folder level on your device, highlight Back to Top and press Enter.
• To view additional files in a folder, highlight Next page or Previous page and press Enter. (You
can also press the Page up or down buttons on the remote control.)
3. Do one of the following:
• To display an individual image, press the arrow buttons to highlight the image and press Enter.
(Press the Esc button to return to the file list screen.)
• To display a slide show of all the images in a folder, press the arrow buttons to highlight the
Slideshow option at the bottom of the screen and press Enter.
Note: If any file names are longer than 8 characters or include unsupported symbols, the file names
may be shortened or changed only in the screen display.