Command Name PRP-080I PRP-080II
(Standard) (Advanced)
HT Horizontal tab * *
LF Print and line feed * *
FF Print and returnto standard *
mode in page mode
CR Print and carriagereturn * *
CAN Cancel print data in page mode *
DLE EOT n Real-time status transmission *
DLE ENQ n Real-time request to printer *
DLE DC4 n m t Generate pulse at real-time *
ESC FF Print data in page mode *
ESC SP n Set right-side character spacing *
ESC ! N Select print mode(s) *
ESC $ nL nH Set absolute print position *
ESC % n Select/cancel user-defined character set * *
ESC & y c1 c2 Define user-defined characters * *
ESC & y c1 c2 [x1 d1 d(y X x1)] [xk d1 d(y X xk)] * *
ESC * m nL nH Selectbit-image mode * *
D1 dk
ESC - n Turn underline mode on/off * *
ESC 2 Select default line spacing * *
ESC 3 n Set line spacing * *
ESC = n Set peripheraldevice * *
ESC ? N Cancel user-defined characters * *
ESC @ Initialize printer * *
ESC D n1 Set horizontal tab positions * *
nk Annual
ESC E n Turn emphasized mode on/off * *
ESC G n Turn double-strike mode on/off * *
ESC J n Print and feed paper * *
ESC L Select page mode *
ESC M n Select character font *
ESC S Select standardmode *
ESC T n Select print direction in page mode *
ESC V n Turn 90 clockwise rotation mode on/off *
ESC W xL xH Set printing area inpage mode ESC *
yL yH dxLdxH W xL xH yL yH dxLdxH dyL dyH *
dyL dyH
ESC \ nL nH Set relative print position * *
ESC a n Select justification * *
ESCc5n Enable/disable panel buttons * *
ESC d n Print and feed n lines * *
Command Name PRP-080I PRP-080II
Command classification
(Standard) (Advanced)
ESC p m t1 t2 General pulse * *
ESC { n Turns on/off upside-down printing mode * *
FSpnm Print NV bit image *
GS ! N Select character size *
GS # n Define NV bit image number *
GS $ nL nH Set absolutevertical print position *
in page mode
GS*xyd1 Define downloaded bit image * *
d(xXyX8) GS*xyd1 d(xXyX8)
GS / m Print downloaded bit image * *
GS : Start/end macro definition *
GS B n Turn white/black reverse printing mode *
GS H n Select printing position for HRI characters *
GS L nL nH Set left margin * *
GS P x y Set horizontal and vertical motion units *
GS V m / Select cut mode and cutpaper * *
GS V m n
GS W nL nH Set printing area width * *
GS \ nL nH Setrelative vertical print position *
in page mode
GS^rtm Execute macro *
GS f n Select font for HRI characters *
GS h n Select barcode height *
GS r n Transmit status *
GSv0mxLxH Print rasterbit image *
yLyHd1 dk GSv0mxLxHyLyHd1 dk
GS w n Set barcode width *
FS ! n Set print mode(s) for Kanji characters * *
FS & Select Kanji character mode *
FS n Turn underline mode on/off for * *
Kanji characters
FS . Cancel Kanjicharacter mode *
FS 2 c1 c2 Define user-defined Kanji characters * *
D1 dk FS2c1c2d1 dk
FS S n1 n2 Set left- andright-side Kanji * *
character spacing
FS W n Turn quadruple-size mode on/off for * *
Kanji characters
Executing: Printer executes the command, which does not then affect the following data.
Setting: Printer uses flags to make settings, and those settings affect the following data.