3 Target Program and Debugging
This chapter describes precautions for debugging using the debug monitor.
3.1 Notes for Creating Target Programs
Follow the instructions below when creating the target program to be debugged:
• Since the debug monitor uses the debugging exception of the CPU, addresses 0x0 to 0xF of the built-in RAM area
are used as the vector and stack for processing debugging exceptions. Therefore, the target program cannot use this
area. Furthermore, do not use addresses 0x10 to 0x2F.
• Wh e n d eb ug gi ng t he t ar g e t p ro gr a m b y wr i ti ng i n t he RA M o r Fl as h me mor y o n t he t ar g e t b oa r d, ma p t he
program to that address.
• Th e d eb ug mo ni to r d oe s n ot a ll ow f or c e d b re a k f un c ti on s s uc h a s k ey b re a k s. Fo rc e d b re a k f un c ti on s s ho ul d b e
ma de i n t he t ar g e t p ro gr a m u si ng a k ey i np ut i nt er r u pt o r a n NMI i np ut . Se tt in g a h ar d wa r e PC b re a k i n t he
interrupt processing routine makes it possible to execute a forced break.
3.2 Parameter File for Debugging
A debug-parameter file is required to start the debugger. Create the file according to the memory configuration of
the target system. When using the debug monitor, the debugger ignores all the settings for the ICE emulation
When using a Flash memory, specify it as a RAM.
Example: "dmt33004\sample\33104_m.par"
CHIP 33104 ; chip name (33XXX)
IROM 1000 ; internal ROM is 80000 to 80FFF
FOPT 0000 ; f option size
PRC VER 00 ff ; allow any PRC board
PRC STATUS **************** ; allow any PRC board status
MPU ; 0xC00000 external boot address
VER 1 ; this file version
; Emulation memory allocation (max 8 areas, 1MB/area, 1MB boundary)
EMROM c00000 cfffff ; external ROM 1MB
; Map allocation (max 31 areas, 256bytes boundary)
RAM 0 7FF ; internal RAM area 2KB
IO 40000 4ffff ; internal IO area 64KB
RAM 200000 2fffff ; external FLASH 1MB
RAM 600000 6fffff ; external SRAM 1MB
EROM c00000 cfffff ; external ROM 1MB
; Stack area except internal RAM area (max 8 areas, 256bytes boundary)
STACK 600000 6fffff ; external stack area 1MB