Introduction 34
Notes on Handling
❏ Do not fold the media or damage the printable surface.
❏ Do not touch the printable surface. Moisture and oils from your hands can affect print
❏ When handling media, hold it by both edges. We recommend wearing cotton gloves.
❏ Keep the media dry.
❏ Packaging materials can be used to store media and should not be thrown away.
❏ Avoid locations that are subject to direct sunlight, excessive heat, or humidity.
❏ When not in use, media should be removed from the printer, rewound, and inserted in
its original packaging for storage. Leaving media in the printer for extended periods
may cause it to deteriorate.
Handling Media After Printing
To maintain long lasting, high quality print results, note the following points.
❏ Do not rub or scratch the printed surface. If they are rubbed or scratched, the ink may
peel off.
❏ Do not touch the printed surface, as this may remove the ink.
❏ Make sure printouts are completely dry before folding or stacking, as otherwise
discoloration or other marks may appear where the prints touch. These marks will
disappear if the prints are immediately separated and dried but will become permanent
if the surfaces are not separated.
❏ Avoid direct sunlight.
❏ To prevent discoloration, display and store prints as instructed in the documentation
supplied with the media.