Index | 207
Stylus Pro 7900, paper basket,
27 to 33
Stylus Pro 9900, paper basket,
34 to 42
Suction, 84, 98, 114, 141
Super strong cleaning cycle, 165
Support, Epson, 13
System requirements, 13 to 14
Take-Up Reel, Auto, see Automatic
Take-Up Reel, optional
Technical support, 13
Temperature requirements, 195
Test Print menu, 152
Time and date setting, 163
Total prints, checking, 152
Transporting printer, 173 to 176
Trim lines, printing
control panel, 70
Mac OS X 10.4, 115
Mac OS X 10.5, 99
Windows, 134
Troubleshooting, 177 to 193
UltraChrome HDR ink cartridges,
Uninstalling software, 193
Unit ID number, 13
USB cable
connecting, 49
port, 196
requirements, 13, 14
User-defined paper size
Mac OS X 10.4, 106 to 108
Mac OS X 10.5, 89 to 92
Windows, 124, 132, 136
Utility menu
Mac OS X, 153, 154
Windows, 148, 153, 155
Waste ink system, 151 to 154,
169 to 170
Weight of printer, 196
Width of printer, 196
basic print options, 125 to 127
black and white photos, 138 to 140
borderless printing, 124,
132 to 136
canceling print jobs, 147
checking printer status, 153 to 154
color management, 129 to 131,
138 to 140
custom paper size, 124, 132, 136
custom presets, 144 to 145
installing software, 52 to 53
layout options, 137 to 138
managing print jobs, 147 to 150
Media Type setting, 126, 138,
140 to 143
monitoring preferences, setting,
paper configuration options,
140 to 143
roll paper options, 132 to 134
Speed and Progress utility,
147 to 150
status alerts, 150
Status Monitor, 147 to 150
system requirements, 14
uninstalling software, 193
user-defined paper size, 124, 132,