To use your printer and its software, your system should have:
■ An Apple
series or Power Macintosh
G3 with USB port
■ For iMac: Mac
OS 8.1 or later (Mac OS 8.5.1 or later recommended)
For Power Macintosh G3: Mac OS 8.5.1 or later
■ At least 16MB of available RAM (32MB recommended)
■ At least 50MB of free hard disk space (100MB recommended)
■ VGA, Super VGA, or better display adapter and monitor
■ Double-speed (2x) CD-ROM or DVD drive (quad-speed [4x] or faster
recommended) for installing the printer software
■ A shielded USB “AB” cable from Series A (computer) to Series B (printer), up
to 6.5 ft. (2 meters) long
If your iMac is running OS 8.1, you’ll need to upgrade your
operating system to OS 8.5.1, or later, before connecting the
printer to your computer. To find out which operating system
your Macintosh is running, select About This Computer from
the Apple menu.
Download the update for your system from Apple at
http://asu.info.apple.com. Contact Apple if you have problems
performing the upgrade.
Using an improperly shielded USB cable—especially a cable more
than 6.5 ft. (2 meters) long—may cause the printer to malfunction.
Pbasics.book Page 44 Wednesday, August 9, 2000 10:26 AM