MSDS # T059320 Version 3.53 (USA)
Page 3 of 4 Release Date 06/2008
Oxidizing properties: None
Vapor density: Greater than 1 (air = 1)
Relative density: 1.07 at 68 deg. F / 20 deg. C
Solubility in water: Complete
Solubility in fat: No data available
Partition coefficient: No data available
Viscosity: Less than 5 mPa-s
10. Stability and Reactivity
Stability: Stable
Hazardous polymerization: Will not occur
Hazardous decomposition products: None
Incompatible materials: Oxidizers and explosives
11. Toxicology and Health Hazards
Routes Of Overexposure: Eye, skin, inhalation, and oral
Acute Health Hazards:
• Overexposure of eye surface to ink may be mildly irritating
• Overexposure of skin to ink contact may cause irritation and in some people swelling and redness
• Intentional inhalation overexposure to ink vapors may result in respiratory tract irritation
• Intentional or accidental oral ingestion may cause an upset stomach
Chronic Health Hazards: None known
Carcinogenicity: None known
Toxicity Data:
Oral LD50 Dermal LD50 Inhalant LC50 OSHA Regulated?
> 5000mg/kg(Rats) >2000mg/kg(Rats) Not Applicable Not Established
12. Ecological Information
No data available on the adverse effects of this material on the environment
13. Disposal Considerations
Used and unused cartridges are not a federal RCRA hazardous waste. Disposal should be in accordance with federal,
state, and local requirements.
14. Transportation Information
Not regulated as a Hazardous Material by DOT, IMO, or IATA
15. Regulatory Considerations
U.S. DOT Hazard Class Regulated? NO
U.S. OSHA Inhalation Hazard? NO
In U.S., NFPA/HMIS Hazard Rating: Health (1), Flammability (1), Instability/Reactivity (0), Other (0)